Healing Rhythms of Sacred Drumming

Join us for this powerful free 60-minute online event with Krista Holland –

The sacred frame drum stimulates inspiration, provides a community to connect with others, and even boosts brain cognition. It’s a powerful tool that addresses everything from social anxiety to addiction.

What you’ll discover:

* The calming, healing rhythms and fascinating ancient history of the sacred drum.
* Your rhythmic connection to your ancestry which is cross-cultural, and part of your heritage, no matter where you’re from.
* Ways to learn and remember your own connection to your original somatic rhythm — the universal experience of the original heartbeat.
* The fascinating story of feminine drumming.  Throughout history, the frame drum was played by everyday women, priestesses, and Goddesses of the ancient world.
* Krista will guide you through a meditation.  We will tap into the first heartbeat of your mother, then your grandmother, and on through your ancestry.  It is your birthright to be invited into this sacred drumming circle.
   Join us for this hour of universal remembrance of how connected we truly are through life’s rhythms.  Drumming is part of the collective human story and leads to powerful self-discovery and the belonging we’re all searching for.